Thursday, May 29, 2014

Books and Sweet Faces

End of the school year as a teacher is probably the toughest part, partially because we are so ready for a break but also because let's be honest the last two weeks is busy work and babysitting. Grades have already been put in and all curriculum has been covered. BUT you have to keep the kids busy or your classroom can become a ZOO, seriously.

Another teacher on my team decided to have each of her kids write a letter to each other kid in the class, so I stole the idea (thanks Stacey!) I am going to make them a book with the letters in it and for the cover I have been trying to think of what to do, SO I decided to have each of the kid pick their favorite book and I would take a picture of them with it.  I was pleased with the way they turned out so that's the cover! I can't wait to share these with my kids!  Here they are and a couple of pictures from field day!

Love these precious kids and each of their own individual stories...

Field Day!

This picture sums up the day...pure joy

Blessings :)

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Brotherly Love

Last Saturday I got to spend the day with this sweet family.  I knew the moment they walked up that they were going to be such a joy to photograph.  I told the boys just to play and pretend I wasn't there and I started snapping away.  The oldest boy was such a pro because every-time I was near him he would stop, look at me, and smile!  Seriously so adorable.  These boys are definitely all boy and were so fun to photograph, they had so much energy and such adorable little smiles. I mean just look at those faces...Thanks for letting me capture these moments E family!