Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Overwhelmed By God's Provision

Today I finally had a chance to sit and process this past weekend.  So many words come to mind but the one that keeps repeating in my head is overwhelmed. Overwhelmed with joy, thankfulness, awe, and so much more.  The yard sale was more than we could have ever wished for.  It is hard to put into words how thankful we are to those who prayed for us, made donations of items to sell, bought items, or volunteered your time to help us make this day possible. We feel so blessed and are beyond thankful for all the support we have been given through this whole process.

All that being said our yard sale brought in more than we could have ever expected and we are so close to our goal.  We feel so blessed as to how the Lord has been watching over us and providing for us.  We know that without the Lord watching over us and without his hands in it, it would not even be possible.

The best part for us was getting to talk to people about the process, why we are adopting, and be an encouragement to those thinking about adoption or in the process themselves.  Thanks those of you who asked questions and those who are constantly showing us your support throughout this whole process.

Below are pictures from the very beginning of the sale! I so wish I had taken more pictures!

Blessings :)