Wednesday, April 15, 2015


Hello Friends,
         So I have found I really enjoy writing blogs.  It honestly is fun to sit still for a few moments and share my thoughts, so thanks to any of you that read it! 

The biggest thing for us right now is saving saving saving, but the Lord has given me so much peace because I know how faithful he is.  He takes care of the birds I know he will take care of us and our future child.  I have been racking my brain and talking with my husband about different ways we can raise money to fund our adoption.  This is such a battle for me because I struggle with how to ask, what to do and how to do it.  

One way is always my photography, any sessions I book will go towards that so please if you need pictures for any occasion let me know! :)

The next way we decided would be helpful and super fun is to have a craft/yard sale!  However we can't do it on our own because we don't have enough stuff to sell and I would have to make a LOT of crafts.  So I started to think, why don't we ask friends/family if they have anything they want to get rid of to sell at the yard sale? What if they are really crafty and could make some crafts to donate to our craft sale?   If we combined all of this together we could have one big sale this summer and hopefully raise some money! The yard sale will be June 20 place and time are still to be determined! June 20 will come soon so I know I need to start collecting items now!

With that being said, if you have unwanted items that you were thinking of giving to goodwill or throwing out  PLEASE pass them our way!! Clothes, books, cds, movies, furniture, toys, games etc.  

OR if you are crafty and like to make things and want to make some items for our sale such as jewelry, clothes, paintings, accessories, children's items etc please let me know!

I appreciate your support, prayers, and encouragement! 

Thank you so much!

Blessings, -Amanda