Sunday, December 7, 2014

Fleming Family

What a blessing it was to take this sweet families pictures again.  My cousin Allison and her family are so seriously the best! I hope I am half the mamma she is one day :) Love you guys!

And this last one is for B, she said " I want a picture with my umbrella to make me look "Fancy":)

Enjoy :)

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Andrew and Heather are Engaged

Heather has been my best friend for over 10 years and still going strong.  We have been through so many things that life has to offer TOGETHER.  We have been through it all together, high school, our first job, boyfriends, friend groups, vacations, college, my marriage, and now we get to walk through this season together.  Taking pictures is one of my most favorite things to do but even more when I get to take them of my BEST FRIEND and the LOVE of her life.  Andrew you are quite the man, you love Heather so well, push her to Jesus, and bring out all the good parts of her.  You two, seriously I love love love yall! I cannot wait until March!